2022年12月4日 星期日

在 Linux 上安裝 VPN -- 以 NordVPN 為例


  • 安裝 NordVPN 應用程式

    1. $ sh <(curl -sSf https://downloads.nordcdn.com/apps/linux/install.sh)
    2. 沒有 curl 可以安裝 $ sudo apt install curl
  • NordVPN 指令集

    1. nordvpn login - Log in.

    2. nordvpn connect or nordvpn c - Connect to VPN. To connect to specific servers, use nordvpn connect <country_code server_number> (eg. nordvpn connect uk715) 

    3. nordvpn disconnect or nordvpn d - Disconnect from VPN. 

    4. nordvpn connect US -g double_vpn - Connect to a Double VPN server where the first hop is a specific country 

    5. nordvpn connect P2P - connect to a P2P server. 

    6. nordvpn connect The_Americas - connect to servers located in the Americas. 

    7. nordvpn connect Dedicated_IP - connect to a Dedicated IP server. 

    8. nordvpn set or nordvpn s - Set a configuration option. Possible options:

      • nordvpn set cybersec on or off - Enable or disable CyberSec 

      • nordvpn set killswitch on or off - Enable or disable Kill Switch 

      • nordvpn set autoconnect on or off - Enable or disable auto-connect. You can set a specific server for automatic connection using nordvpn set autoconnect on country_code+server_number. Example: nordvpn set autoconnect on us2435.

      • nordvpn set notify on or off - Enable or disable notifications

      •  nordvpn set dns - Set custom DNS (you can set up a single DNS or two like shown in this command). 

      • nordvpn set protocol udp or tcp - Switch between UDP and TCP protocols 

      • nordvpn set obfuscate on or off - Enable or disable Obfuscated Servers. 

      • nordvpn set technology - Set connection technology (OpenVPN or NordLynx)

    9. nordvpn whitelist add port 22 - Add a rule to whitelist a specified incoming port. You can also whitelist multiple ports — just separate their numbers with a space. 

    10. nordvpn whitelist remove port 22 - Remove the rule to whitelist a specified port. 

    11. nordvpn whitelist add subnet - Add a rule to whitelist a specified subnet. 

    12. nordvpn whitelist remove subnet  - Remove the rule to whitelist a specified subnet. 

    13. nordvpn account - See account information 

    14. nordvpn register - Register a new user account 

    15. nordvpn rate - Rate your last connection quality (1-5) 

    16. nordvpn settings - See the current settings. 

    17. nordvpn status - See the connection status. 

    18. nordvpn countries - See the country list. 

    19. nordvpn cities - See the city list. 

    20. nordvpn groups - See a list of available server groups. 

    21. nordvpn logout - Log out. 

    22. nordvpn help or nordvpn h - See the list of available commands or help for a specific command.

      You can get an extensive explanation of all commands by using the man nordvpn command in Terminal.


  • 關閉 IPv6 

    1. sudo nano /etc/sysctl.conf
    2. 在檔案尾端加入下列 4 行:
      net.ipv6.conf.all.disable_ipv6 = 1

      net.ipv6.conf.default.disable_ipv6 = 1

      net.ipv6.conf.lo.disable_ipv6 = 1

      net.ipv6.conf.tun0.disable_ipv6 = 1
    3. 存檔,重啟。 
  •  從 Linux Network Manager 連上 NordVPN Servers

    1. 下載 OpenVPN Configuration File Package (ovpn.zip),並解壓縮

    2.  從螢幕右上角點開網路設定,下拉 VPN OFF 選擇 VPN Setting

    3. 按下 VPN 旁 + 號,新增 VPN

    4.  選擇連線類型 Import from file…

    5.  從步驟 1 解壓縮產生之 ovpn_udp 夾中,開啟一個組態檔或參考方法三,使用推薦伺服器的組態檔。

    6. 在跳出的視窗中輸入帳密,按下 ADD 新增

    7.  在 Linux Network Manager 畫面 VPN 項下,按下撥動開關,當它呈現綠色,就完成 VPN 連線工作


  •  從 NordVPN 網站「推薦伺服器」功能連上 NordVPN Servers

    1.  點選「推薦伺服器

    2.  點選「Show available protocols」

    3.  點選「OpenVPN UDP」右側「Download config」

    4.  承接方法二:步驟 6 加入 VPN 即可